Elinor Bellingham-Smith


Frontispiece Design for "Victorian Bouquet"

Ref: 1660

Watercolour over brush and ink, 20 by 13 cm

Provenance: John Moynihan (the artist's son); 20th Century Gallery, Fulham


This is one of a series of Bellingham Smith's highly decorative frontispiece designs for Victorian Bouquet, Lady X Looks On, edited by Rachel Ferguson (in her capacity as "Rachel of Punch" (the satirical magazine)) and published by Ernest Benn Ltd in 1931.






Sir George Clausen
Study of a young girl

Rex Vicat Cole
Rupert Court between Wardour Street and Rupert Street, Soho

John Reinhard Weguelin
Illustration for Andersen's "The Marsh King's Daughter"

Norman Clark
Equestres et Pedestres