Sir Thomas Monnington, PRA


Study for “The Postman”

Ref: 90

Crayon on tracing paper, 13 by 26 ins (33 by 66 cm)

Provenance: John Monnington; with Paul Liss


The present work is one of a number of studies that exist for a large scale painting that Monnington never completed entitled ?The Postman?. The subject is set in the garden of Monnington?s home at Leyswood near Tunbridge Wells. All the models in the work can be identified as the artist?s friends or family. The postman, called Setford stands at the centre. To either side of him are Monnington?s wife Evelyn and son John (leaning on a gun). Other figures include their neighbours, the sculptor A.H.Gerrard and his wife the painter Kathleen Leigh-Pemberton. Further in the background are other neighbours, Mr and Mrs Young.






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Hovercraft with Water Skiier

Elinor Bellingham-Smith
Children walking in a park

Lowes Dalbiac Luard
Stone Cart: Bird’s Eye View

Ethelbert White
The Water Meadows